Sunday, December 16, 2007

Happy Holidays all!!

well, the month is almost gone..1 wk til Christmas, and I have done nothing but work =(. Being new, and in my 2nd month this will probably be really bad, But there is no way I will get the challenge done, with my 2 jobs I have not even been able to do my baking gifts for family and don't think they will even get done. I was looking forward to it, as I have never done it before. I have done all the items individually but never the log it self lol. I have only this afternoon off, and its a family dinner until Christmas. There is just no time =(. I am truely sorry But I will await the next challenge full of anticipation =)
Merry Christmas all!!!

I tried to post on the DB site, but it wouldn't let me =( So I will try again later but hopefully this will work.

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