How is that for a speedy return ;). It was ironic that I had planned on trying a recipe I saw in a magazine and then came across Booked Marked Recipes from Ruth's Kitchen Experiments
I thought how perfect is that to be able to jump right in with a post the day I decided I should be able to pull of Returning to the blogging world and the Wonderful Daring Bakers.
Well that was as far as I got before I finished my Pasta!
I am quite happy I tested this out. For us both we agreed it would be great as a side dish, or topped with these stuffed mushrooms I make (he suggested that with a slight gleam in his eye ha-ha). We are both meat eaters, and definitely needed a little meat or something to accompany it. Though, for Vegetarian's this would be a great meal. I would definitely increase the garlic though, I like garlic and did 2 cloves to the recipes 1 and I would increase that to even 3 next time I make it. (There will be a next time ..it was agreed that I could play with it hehe).
I also threw in a handful of baby spinach leaves cause well I can't get him to eat spinach for my life so might as well try to be sneaky about it. I didn't change the liquid though so it was a bit thick, so next time or if any of you decide to try it and add a little to it, just add a little extra cream or pasta water, though we liked it think =).
I have to say, I really liked the lemon in it, was not overly strong, and just enhanced it perfectly!
With out further ado, I give you:
Everyday with Rachael Ray's "Creamy Parsley and Pistachio Fettuccine
1 pound fettuccine pasta
3/4 c heavy cream
grated peel and juice of 1 lemon
1/3 cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese (a generous handful)
1/4 cup shelled natural pistachio nuts, lightly toasted) ( OMG I forgot to toast them LOL doh..)
1 large clove garlic, greated or finely chopped ( I smashed 2 cause well they get chopped in the food processor right? hehe)
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil, salt it, add the pasta and cook until al dente; drain.
2. While the pasta is working, in a small saucepan, warm the cream and lemon peal over medium heat.
3. Using a food processor, puree the parsley, cheese, nuts and garlic. Mix in the lemon juice. With the machine on, blend in the EVOO until combined.
4. Place the pesto in a large pasta bowl; season with salt and pepper. Stir in the hot cream mixture, add the pasta and toss.